Can a band be your favorite if you don't care about most of their music?


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Many bands may have a song, or album, where fans are divided on whether or not they like it. Some bands expand that to multiple albums, to where it includes large chunks, or even worse, most of their discography. Some examples are: Metallica, Weezer, Linkin Park, Smashing Pumpkins.

On a less extreme end, some artists have that one or two album popularity, and slipped back into the underground, but many only care for those couple albums and just ignore the rest.

So my question for you all is, do you think you can consider the band your favorite if you either hate a large chunk/most of their music, or you don't care about the majority of their discography?
I admire some musicians, but don't care for the music much. Well, it's just not my thing. Anyway, I admire anyone who ethically makes it in music, but music is so subjective (in the eye of the beholder), you know.
I find that the more songs I like, the more I'll like the band. Having a small handful of songs I like by the band isn't probably going to cut it as them being my favorite band.