What makes for a bad album?


Well-known member
Most artists, maybe all, have some bombs. Well, what exactly are they doing wrong? Why is it so lame and/or irritating and/or whatever?
One of the more common ones is when they drastically change their sound, and it didn’t work. Either they either aren’t good at writing songs in that genre, or the musicianship is fine, but the singer is terrible at that genre.

Other times they might have wrote a couple good songs, but they didn’t have enough material for a full album and ended up forcing out an album’s worth of songs.
One of the more common ones is when they drastically change their sound, and it didn’t work. Either they either aren’t good at writing songs in that genre, or the musicianship is fine, but the singer is terrible at that genre.

Other times they might have wrote a couple good songs, but they didn’t have enough material for a full album and ended up forcing out an album’s worth of songs.
Some bombs become classic later. What are some of them that you liked, if any?
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